Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Association between Respiratory Diseases and Dust events in United Arab Emirates
Theoretical The proposed examination targets setting up if there is a connection between dust occasions and respiratory infections in United Arabs Emirates. This is will help uncover the pervasiveness pace of respiratory infections in the locale too outfit important partners with crucial data concerning residue and its consequences for human health.Advertising We will compose a custom proposition test on Association between Respiratory Diseases and Dust occasions in United Arab Emirates explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Existing writings draw relationship between dust storms and respiratory ailments. Blended exploration approach will be utilized in the examination. The two polls and records from emergency clinics will give the analyst the ideal information. Before the examination starts, the scientist will get endorsement from Independent Regulation Board from the collection just as get educated assent from the subjects. Presentation and issue articulation The in vestigation tries to set up the relationship between respiratory infections and residue occasions in the United Arab Emirates. It is important that UAE is in an area where residue storms happen normally. In a perfect world residue is made out of minuscule strong particles drifting noticeable all around. This is fit for moving beyond the lung’s common guard and develop bringing about genuine wellbeing confusions (Qiu, Zou Zhan, 2006). Researchers have attempted to interface dust occasions and occurrences of respiratory maladies. Examination shows that when an individual is presented to air contaminations, they are at higher danger of contracting respiratory related ailments for example asthma, incessant obstructive pneumonic ailment, lung disease just as sensitivities. Since UAE is in a dry locale, the best toxin is dust brought about by wind and tempests. This represents an incredible threat especially to youngsters, adolescents, newborn children, asthmatic people, pregnant l adies, solid grown-ups who practice energetically in the fields, individuals experiencing cardiovascular ailments and the older in the general public. In the United States of America, an investigation did in 6 urban areas viewed as the most dirtied by dust reasoned that occupants from these urban communities were at higher danger of being hospitalized because of respiratory diseases. Also larger part passed on because of lung disease when contrasted with others dwelling in urban areas that are less contaminated. Furthermore youngsters in these regions were multiple times bound to experience the ill effects of low lung capacities. It is important that dust occasions can compound wellbeing states of individuals who experience the ill effects of respiratory related maladies (Host et al., 2008). World Health Organization has indicated that incessant obstructive aspiratory malady is a worldwide medical problem and would one say one is of the significant reasons for constant bleakness and mortality in the whole world (Kanatani et al., 2010).Advertising Looking for proposition on ecological examinations? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More It is positioned 6th as a main source of death universally. Since it is one of the respiratory infections brought about via air contamination, it is assessed that it will keep causing passing just as increment commonness of respiratory maladies in the coming years (Brunekreef Forsberg, 2005). Essentialness of the investigation The proposed examination is of significance as it will assess whether the connection between dust occasions and respiratory sicknesses exists. The discoveries will be noteworthy to different partners, for example, establishments of higher learning, people, wellbeing association, and service of general wellbeing among others. It is important that the discoveries will make those people who thought there was no connection between dust occasions and respirat ory maladies reconsider and take vital preventive measures. Also, wellbeing part in UAE will set out on a crusade to teach individuals on the best way to abstain from being casualties of residue occasions related maladies. Thus the legislature will create arrangements planned for diminishing residue occasions especially those brought about by human exercises. This will help lessen the recurrence of residue occasions. Not doing this examination will obviously portray that the relationship between respiratory maladies and residue occasions in the UAE won't be uncovered. This will imply that there will be no activity taken to spare the lives of the powerless populace. Extent of the examination The extent of the investigation is to set up the connection between respiratory illnesses and residue occasions in the UAE. Also issues identifying with the kinds of respiratory ailment people experience the ill effects of, predominance rate and how best to control the circumstance are all of int erests in this investigation. In view of this, proposals will be delivered to help control the significant bodies in transit forward in managing the hazard. The examination will happen in the UAE. Points and targets and examination addresses The point of the investigation is to research the relationship between dust occasions in UAE and respiratory sicknesses. The particular destinations are; To discover the relationship between respiratory ailments and residue occasions among the UAE populace. To build up the predominance pace of respiratory sicknesses in UAE. To build up the procedures that can be received to control respiratory sicknesses in the UAE. Exploration questions Is there a connection between respiratory maladies and residue occasions among the UAE populace? What is the pervasiveness pace of respiratory maladies in UAE? What systems can be received to control respiratory illnesses in the UAE? Writing audit Most of the Asian part is either bone-dry or semi bone-dry. This has made the dirts dry and free; this combined with the way that breezes are progressively pervasive causes it feasible for residue to be completed from the beginning kept somewhere else bringing about air contamination. In Middle East the Shamala twists begin from Turkey, Iraq just as Saudi Arabia. As the breeze gain energy over the Gulf of Arabia dust are kicked up.Advertising We will compose a custom proposition test on Association between Respiratory Diseases and Dust occasions in United Arab Emirates explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Numerous investigations have connected residue occasions and the high pace of respiratory illnesses. In one examination completed by Kwon, et al., 2002 exploring the impact of Asian residue on every day passings in South Korea somewhere in the range of 1995 and 1998. He set up that the connection between dust occasions and passings from heart ailments was solid. Also people experiencing respiratory sicknesses are defenseless to clean occasions in Asia. Correspondingly another investigation did in Taipei uncovered that there was a higher explicitness in partner dust impacts with respiratory passings. It is significant that an investigation did by Lei, et al., 2004 utilizing rodent model inspected the irritation markers in the lung just as fringe blood after the creatures were presented to tidy tempests particles. The results uncovered that residue has the capability of expanding lung irritation just as injury in pneumonic vein in those rodents considered to be overly sensitive (Peng et al., 2008). As per Chen et al., 2004 residue occasions tend to hindered human perceivability prompting mishaps. Researcher have indicated that individuals who live in regions inclined to clean occasions take in particles which skim in air. Fortunately not every one of these particles get their way through human nose. Anyway littler particles generally get their way through the nose arriving at the lungs. Human respiratory fr ameworks have cilia and bodily fluid which help trap dust. On the off chance that dusty air arrives at the alveoli it is the obligation of macrophages to expel the residue. Furthermore lungs can deliver protein to kill dusty air. In circumstances where the residue gets away from all these component of cleansing air, at that point there are various maladies man will experience the ill effects of relying upon whether the residue is natural or inorganic (Kanatani et al., 2010). For example inorganic residue prompts asbestosis, silicosis, coal pneumoconiosis among others. Then again, natural residue results in farmers’ lung, sewage ooze illness among others. It is important that particles which are under 10 microns in distance across might contain dust, smoke, silica, residue enter human lung and cause these issues. Strikingly dust occasions can debilitate animals’ wellbeing, consume structures just as hinder development in vegetation (Husar et al., 2001). As per Abdelkari m et al., 2011 changes in climate conditions which are described with dust occasions compound constant lung illnesses especially in those people esteemed to be experiencing asthma. An examination on kids experiencing respiratory ailments in this area indicated that the commonness rate among youngsters matured somewhere in the range of 6 and 19 years remained at 13.0% (Choi et al., 2011).Advertising Searching for proposition on natural investigations? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Asthma in the area has been known to be answerable for higher dismalness rate just as high pace of truancy in schools. Different reasons for respiratory ailments in this district incorporate cigarette smoking, hereditary history of sicknesses, for example, asthma, low birth loads among others (Wang et al., 1997). It is significant that the connection between dust occasions and respiratory sicknesses in UAE isn't all around archived. Procedure Mixed exploration approach will be utilized to direct the investigation. In this way both subjective and quantitative techniques for information assortment will be used. Information which show the quantity of patients experiencing respiratory ailments will be gathered from social insurance communities and clinics in UAE. As proposed by Beiske, 2002 this will permit the examination to have careful number of people who looked for clinical consideration because of experiencing respiratory infections. It will likewise permit me to build up the commo nness pace of respiratory malady in the district (Ko
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Life and Art of Cindy Sherman, Feminist Photographer
Life and Art of Cindy Sherman, Feminist Photographer Cindy Sherman (conceived January 19, 1954) is an American picture taker and producer whose â€Å"Untitled Film Stills,†a progression of photos intended to bring out a despite everything shot from an anecdotal film, propelled her to popularity. Quick Facts: Cindy Sherman Occupation: Artist and photographerBorn: January 19, 1954 in Glen Ridge, New JerseyEducation: Buffalo State CollegeKnown For: Photographs investigating topics of women's liberation, picture, oppression, and superficialityKey Works: Untitled Film Stillsâ series (1977-1980), Centerfolds series (1981) Sherman is notable for the addition of her own picture into her photos, wearing prosthetics, ensemble, and cosmetics to change herself into the subject of her look. Frequently captivating subjects of women's liberation, picture, enslavement, and triviality, Sherman keeps on being looked for after as a voice of investigate in a media-based world. She is viewed as an individual from the â€Å"Pictures Generation†of American specialists, who came to noticeable quality during the 1970s and 80s. Early Life and Family Cindy Sherman was conceived Cynthia Morris Sherman on January 19, 1954 in New Jersey. She experienced childhood with Long Island and was the most youthful of five kids. Since the kin nearest to her age was nine years her senior, Sherman felt like a lone kid, at times overlooked amidst such huge numbers of others in her family. Sherman has said that, because of her relational intricacy, she looked for consideration in any capacity conceivable. From an extremely youthful age, Sherman wore exchange personas with the help of her broad ensemble wardrome. She portrays her mom as kind-hearted and â€Å"good,†however basically worried that her kids establish the correct connection (something which enticed the youthful Sherman to revolt). She has portrayed her dad as cowardly and shut disapproved. Shermans family life was disturbed, and when Sherman was 15 years of age, her senior sibling ended it all. This injury had repercussions for Sherman’s individual life, and she refers to it as the explanation she cut off up in a few long haul associations she would not like to be in, accepting she could help other men where she was unable to support her sibling. She was hitched to the video craftsman Michel Auder for a long time during the 1980s and 90s, a marriage which finished in separate. Beginnings as an Artist Sherman contemplated workmanship at Buffalo State College. Subsequent to graduating, she moved to New York City with craftsman Robert Longo, who was a kindred workmanship understudy and Buffalo State graduate. During the 1970s, New Yorks avenues were lumpy and in some cases dangerous. Accordingly, Sherman created mentalities and clothing types that went about as ways of dealing with stress for the distresses she would meet on her way home-an expansion of her youth propensity for spruce up. In spite of the fact that she thought that it was upsetting and awkward, Sherman eventually considered New To be as a position of reevaluation. She started to appear at social events in outfit, and inevitably Longo persuaded Sherman to start capturing her characters. These were the beginnings from which the Untitled Stills were conceived, the greater part of which were shot in or around the loft the two shared. From multiple points of view, the defiant soul ingrained in Sherman as a kid never left her. For instance, as her work was picking up fame during the 1980s, the craftsman took a turn towards the twisted, making work that highlighted different natural liquids spilled and spread inside the casing, as an approach to challenge the workmanship world’s impression of her as attractive and suitable to â€Å"hang over a lounge area table.†During the 1990s, the National Endowment for the Arts pulled back its financing from â€Å"controversial†ventures. As a demonstration of dissent against what she saw to be a type of control, Sherman started to photo over the top pictures of private parts, utilizing plastic clinic fakers and mannequins basic to clinical school homerooms. This sort of disruption keeps on characterizing Sherman’s profession. Untitled Film Stills Sherman works in arrangement of photos in which she works off a topic that tends to a social issue. Her subjects have been wide-going as aging as a lady, the oppressing impact of the male look on the female structure, and the twisting impacts of internet based life on mental self view. Inside every arrangement, Sherman goes about as the model, costumer, make-up craftsman, and set originator. The â€Å"Untitled Film Stills†(1977-1980) are ostensibly Sherman’s most well known works. These pictures, all clearly, summon key minutes in Hollywood film. Despite the fact that the â€Å"films†from which these photos were taken don't exist, their allure lies in the way that they bring out states of mind played out endlessly in well known motion pictures, hence making the watcher sense that the individual in question has seen the film previously. <img information srcset=https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/s-sXYOE-2ExlEar18tA6fyINg3A=/300x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/P11516_10-5b91675646e0fb0025911f4a.jpg 300w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/tc8i9OU96QsP8wRrk32Bz5KMqfk=/609x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/P11516_10-5b91675646e0fb0025911f4a.jpg 609w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/s-IW4RXyiFPuZm642W6ba0xwtqE=/918x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/P11516_10-5b91675646e0fb0025911f4a.jpg 918w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/fevQMoJft8PEfNjtv_zkao7m9a8=/1536x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/P11516_10-5b91675646e0fb0025911f4a.jpg 1536w information src=https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/qbIDZgUQb4EnwnZh1IVdfrI3FAY=/1536x1203/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/P11516_10-5b91675646e0fb0025911f4a.jpg src=//:0 alt=Untitled Film Still #17, 1978 by Cindy Sherman class=lazyload information click-tracked=true information img-lightbox=true information expand=300 id=mntl-sc-square image_1-0-24 information following container=true /> Cindy Sherman, Untitled Film Still #17 (1978).  tate.org The tropes depicted by Sherman incorporate the youthful ingenue, commanded by the city, who looks off in dread at an obscure individual or item out of casing, and the outsider, remaining among garbage and remnants, trusting that somebody will show up. Regularly, these pictures contain inside them a danger and an inclination that no good thing can happen to these circumstances. By embeddings uneasiness into pictures of ladies, Sherman requests that the watcher think about the subject and comprehend her weakness. Centerfolds and Later Work In the mid 80s came the â€Å"Centerfolds,†a progression of twofold width pictures expected to copy the normally enticing and charming postures of models put at the focal point of grown-up magazines. Sherman turned the idea of a centerfold on its head by utilizing the organization to portray ladies who had persevered through physical maltreatment. The pictures consider the watcher responsible for moving toward the functions as though they were intended to please-in Shermans words, they are a â€Å"thwarted desire. <img information srcset=https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/uxR_g9ocBedEJ8qAGf1Yg_0hR-8=/300x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/2013_NYR_02791_0010_000cindy_sherman_untitled_92-5b9167e0c9e77c002ce489bb.jpg 300w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/YIEyXlXGLHWLXn0G3FufF791Pzg=/1025x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/2013_NYR_02791_0010_000cindy_sherman_untitled_92-5b9167e0c9e77c002ce489bb.jpg 1025w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/_VWS0KFd2WXT2AZOoo1yk7q_8a0=/1750x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/2013_NYR_02791_0010_000cindy_sherman_untitled_92-5b9167e0c9e77c002ce489bb.jpg 1750w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/uwyD3YwVwQCkYWmYMIM5Z9e3Tqw=/3200x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/2013_NYR_02791_0010_000cindy_sherman_untitled_92-5b9167e0c9e77c002ce489bb.jpg 3200w information src=https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/zcA8rgexSzoXH7zllJUBpbHIcWg=/3200x1600/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/2013_NYR_02791_0010_000cindy_sherman_untitled_92-5b9167e0c9e77c002ce489bb.jpg src=//:0 alt=Cindy Sherman, Untitled #92 (1981) class=lazyload information click-tracked=true information img-lightbox=true information expand=300 id=mntl-sc-square image_1-0-30 information following container=true /> Cindy Sherman, Untitled #92 (1981). Centerfolds arrangement.  christies.org In 2017, Sherman made open her own Instagram account, which fills in as an expansion of her training. Sherman utilizes the devices of advanced enhancing with Photoshop planned to dishonestly change pictures of the human face to accomplish the instrument of perfection and rather pushes these reshapings to an outrageous. Utilizing applications expected to improve pictures, Sherman overstates highlights, along these lines causing to notice the barely recognizable difference between barbaric flawlessness (the sort that solitary web based life is equipped for appearing) and cruel, practically outsider like adjustment. In accordance with her ubiquity in the more customary workmanship world, Shermans account (cindysherman) has gathered a huge number of devotees. Grants and Accolades Cindy Sherman is a generally regarded craftsman. She has gotten both a MacArthur Genius Grant and a Guggenheim Fellowship. She is a privileged individual from the Royal Academy, and has been spoken to in various biennials over the world. Sherman keeps on being a significant voice in contemporary workmanship, yet additionally in the media age. Her gnawing investigate gets at the center of an issue and hyper-centers around it through the impactful and personal mode of representation. She lives in New York with her parrot, Frida, and is spoken to by Metro Pictures Gallery. Sources BBC (1994). Nobodys Here But Me. [video] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?vUXKNuWtXZ_U. (2012).Adams, T. (2016). Cindy Sherman: Why am I in these photos?. The Guardian. [online] Available at: https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2016/jul/03/ci
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
5 Ways to Defuse Anxious Thoughts
5 Ways to Defuse Anxious Thoughts More in GAD Coping Symptoms Diagnosis Treatment A core component of anxietyâ€"be it subclinical anxiety or anxiety that meets the threshold for a generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) diagnosisâ€"is anxious thinking that can at times feel uncontrollable. Psychotherapies for anxiety help people address these thoughts in different ways. In psychodynamic psychotherapy, the roots or underlying (sometimes called unconscious) reasons for anxiety are unearthed. In cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT), thoughts are actively challenged or tested by behavioral experiments (for example, doing something that you are anxious about to experientially learn that the outcome will be okay). In acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT), as in CBT, there is an emphasis on becoming more aware of the thoughts as thoughts and not truths. However, the next step in ACT is to learn ways to be “less fused†with the thoughts (That is, if cognitive fusion is the baseline, cognitive defusion is the goal). By changing the way you interact with your beliefs, you may begin to experience some relief. 5 Ways to Defuse Anxious Thoughts Here are five cognitive defusion exercises to try. Pick the one or two that most appeal to you, and try them repeatedly over the span of a few days. If it works, keep going with it; if it doesn’t, try another exercise on the list instead. Your Mind, With a Capital “M:†For the sake of this exercise, think of your mind as a separate entity from yourself. Name it “Mind.†When the anxious chatter begins, tell yourself something like, “Well there goes Mind again, chitchatting away†or “Wow, Mind is doing that thing he loves to do, telling me how nothing will ever work out.†By treating the mind as an external, rather than internal, creature you might create enough space between you and your thoughts to feel a bit better.The Car Radio That Won’t Turn Off: Imagine that you are sitting in the passenger seat of a car, and the driver has turned on an awful radio station that is playing a soundtrack of your anxious thoughts. You’re not in a position to change it or turn it off; instead, you must tolerate it and accept that the thoughts are there and that the noise is unpleasant.A Keychain in Your Pocket: You most likely carry a set of keys with you always. Try assigning each of your most common anxious thoug hts to a specific key. When you use that key, make yourself think the corresponding thought. Notice that you can carry the thought and not always think it, and also that when you do think the thought, you can still use the key. It is possible to carry difficult beliefs with you and not let them dictate your actions.A Bossy Bully: Treat your thought like a bully on the playground of adulthood and ask, “Who is in charge here? Is my thought in charge or am I in charge?†If it helps, get a little angry at the thoughtâ€"colorful language includedâ€"as you assert yourself against the bossy bully.Thoughts for Sale: Distinguish between a thought you are having and a thought you are buying as true. Label your thoughts: judgment, criticism, comparison, exaggeration, etc. Then ask yourself, “Do I want to buy the thought that I am ______________?†Consider what it will cost you and if it’s really a good investment. Using Cognitive Defusion Exercises The purpose of these exercises is not to change the frequency with which you experience anxious thoughts (though if that happens for you, fantastic!). Rather, defusion exercises are effective if they decrease your attachment to a particular belief or set of beliefs that are not currently serving you well.
Friday, May 22, 2020
The Effect Of Permanency And Stability, Parental Tools For...
Introduction The essential outcomes of child welfare are child safety, permanency, and well-being for all children and youth. Youth living in foster care face a challenge of stability and permanency placement; however adolescents transitioning out of foster care are confronted with an additional hurdle of adulthood. Little research has looked into the impact of continuing services across placements to improve the child’s well-being. Extending foster care services is necessary to support youth during the transition of adulthood. Caregivers within the child welfare system are in a position to possibly reduce the impact of traumatic stressors and help strengthen the youth and caregiver relationship in out-of-home care. Providing appropriate medical care for children and youth in foster care is a requisite not an option regardless of gender identity. This literature review will cover a summary of effects of permanency and stability, parental tools for caregivers in the child welfare system, su pport for emerging adults in foster care, and health care rights. Background Foster Care is a temporary, out-of-home care service for children and youth who cannot live with their families (Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2015). The ideal living arrangement is with relatives nevertheless, children and youth may live with unrelated foster parents. Other examples of placement arrangements include group homes, residential care facilities, emergency shelters, and supervised independent
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Getting the Best Essay Letter Writing Samples
Getting the Best Essay Letter Writing Samples The Number One Question You Must Ask for Essay Letter Writing Samples Following are a few examples on how it is possible to use the power phrases in your cover letter. By way of example, each paragraph ought to be indented 5-7 spaces. Your opening paragraph needs to be your strongest and should clearly show what you need to provide the military. Paragraph 2 (and 3) The second paragraph of a recommendation letter includes specific info on the individual you're writing about, including the reason why they are qualified and what they are able to contribute. The Meaning of Essay Letter Writing Samples When you wind up stuck later on, you may even refer to exactly the same list to bring some ideas your way. By building a template, in regards to crafting the (nearly) inevitable next job program, you will be saving yourself a lot of time and stress. Deciding on a topic can be challenging. You might place a picture of one of friends a nd family near your computer monitor. Writing a covering letter is a significant portion of your application and our experts will be able to help you to obtain an advantage over your competition. Thus, State University isn't only the ideal location for me, it is the sole location for me. On top of its growing cultural and ethnic diversity, it is becoming a master at creating a niche for every student. No matter if you're good at writing or not, a letter can enable you to receive your point across in ways that you could never normally be in a position to do. Lengthy formal letters have a tendency to not have the desired influence on the reader. Use the sandwich way of writing. What Everybody Dislikes About Essay Letter Writing Samples and Why Handwritten letters offer you emotional advantages that were identified by psychologists and health-care professionals. Thus, the banking course would be the best method to satisfy my aspirations. Recording your history is a critica l part of journal writing. It's duringthe rest and recovery which you actually experience the advantages of your exercise. A letter gives you the opportunity to steer clear of contradictions and the chance to leave out saying something which may haunt you later. The author acknowledges it is a simultaneous submission. Revising an assignment is essential as it can help to clarify the most important point along with ensures the readers' needs are satisfied. Some authors utilize the practice as a means to warm up and get in the writing zone. The War Against Essay Letter Writing Samples It may also be very helpful to supply a sample with content much like the topics you may be writing about. Thus, to prevent negative effects, you need to use samples wisely. Also, in the event the sample comprises a works cited list, use it like a foundation for your research. Hope our samples are going to be an excellent assistance for you! A Secret Weapon for Essay Letter Writing Samples Wr iting is an excellent means to place your worth into practice. It has been around for quite a long time. Meditation can take on several forms. Letter writing is just one of the two forms of questions that you will encounter in your Descriptive Paper. Possessing a goal is indeed important to writing an adequate important essay and it is crucial to outline it clearly. After you get started writing, be certain you get to the point once possible. You wish to put yourself into a peak-state before you get started writing. If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on Essay Letter Writing Samples This sample interview essay can help you to better understand the procedure for essay writing and you'll have a very clear picture of the way the interview essay ought to be structured. In case the latter description illustrates you here is a more in depth reflective essay outline which should get you where you must be to put on a firm understanding of the way to compose a reflection paper. An essay outline is a group of ideas and ideas pertinent to the subject issue. Critical analysis paper examples that it is possible to fi nd here on AnswerShark will offer you a picture of the way in which a fantastic vital essay should look. The 5-Minute Rule for Essay Letter Writing Samples Don't wait until you're dying to start living. You might not have a complete week to rest and recover. You can begin to make a list of people 30 people if you wish to send one every day and after that plan out how you're going to send your letters. In any event, you will learn a great deal more about yourself and I feel that's what truly counts in the long run. You have to be able to recognize the form of letter you are to be writing. The letter may be general request for information form letter that may be. As soon as your letter was written. As a consequence, letter writing will. If you intend on mailing your letter, consider sealing it by old-fashioned sealing wax or stickers. Much like all recommendation letters, you only ought to agree to compose a personal reference letter if you truly feel comfortable supporting the man or woman and will have the ability to write a constructive and enthusiastic note. You also have the choice to adhere to the template cover letter for designing your work letter. Not including a covering letter will probably guarantee that you aren't going to be regarded as as it shows a deficiency of interest as will using an extremely generic and non personalized letter. You CANNOT use the specific same cover letter to apply for each job. You also have to have an ideal cover letter to escort your CV when you submit an application for any job.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Why Not to Use Plastic Bags Free Essays
As everyone knows, the humble plastic bag has become an integral part of our lives†¦ In fact.. the plastic bag has become so common that we hardly notice their presence. We will write a custom essay sample on Why Not to Use Plastic Bags or any similar topic only for you Order Now Yet if you look around you.. you will notice that we are all in a swamp†¦. of plastic bags. They are everywhere. We use them to pack clothes, shoes, pens, tools, video games.. even fruits and vegetables. They are light weight, high strength, very flexible and come at a relatively low cost. Well All of this might sound wonderful. The plastic bag is an agent of air pollution, cancer and even some skin diseases. People who use these bags†¦ have made it into an environmental menace†¦ which has made many of our world’s clean and glimmering metropolises into a†¦ pile of garbage. Did you know†¦ they are a slow poison in our daily life? When you use plastic bag do you know how they are made? If you don’t lend me your ears†¦ Many of the plastic bags at the super market are made through recycled plastic; this means the old plastic is burnt at high temperatures and melted down. For this process †¦ a large number of hazardous chemicals are used.. which makes them a severe health hazard. When you use a plastic bag you could be responsible for giving your family members cancer, now your all wondering how this has come to be. When plastic bags and other plastic materials are burnt below 7,000 degrees they produce gasses which can lead to skin disease and some forms of cancer. Also when you bring your family products wrapped in polythene like fish, meat and vegetables they get can get infected by anaerobic bacteria, which is a germ responsible for skin cancer. Before you go ahead and throw away a plastic bag consider these true facts. Plastic bags end up in landfill. The bags are made of polymers and they are non- bio degradable (this means they cannot be broken down by the earth). Now you will ask why can’t we just remove the polymers from the bag well the simple answer is.. Polymers are the same substance that makes the plastic bag a â€Å"performance material†get rid of them and your plastic bag will be as flimsy as a piece of paper†¦ Next time you go shopping and wonder why the prices of many fruits and vegetables have become more expensive†¦ consider this fact. The Plastic bags that are embedded in soil do not allow water to go into the earth. This becomes a huge problem for farmers and their crops. If their crops don’t get enough water†¦ their crops will die and this is one of the factors that cause inflation in the cost of many fruits and vegetables. If you are one of the people who cares about animals.. you would like to know that humble plastic bag is also a health hazard to animals, especially in large cities where animals meet their end after eating.. a plastic bag. Even in places like zoos where animals are meant to be protected, many zoo keepers have found their animals munching away on plastic material that visitors and people like you have thrown away. Plastic bags that end up in our oceans and lakes†¦ have become a huge problem for the native wildlife. Many researchers have found the population size of animals such as the sea lion.. have de crease because of the plastic bags. These gentle creatures run into the plastic bag and it gets wrapped around their neck causing them to suffocate. The majestic sea turtle, which has been around from many millions of years are having their life drastically cut short by the plastic bags. When a sea turtle see’s a plastic bag floating right past it, it mistakes the bags shape and colour for that of a jellyfish. The jelly fish is the sea turtles main source of food. So when it eats the plastic bag it also suffocates. So please†¦ don’t be one of the people who are responsible for the extinction of the sea turtle! If you’re a bird lover.. ou should know that even our flying friends are affected by the bag. Birds sometimes mistake the plastic bags for food but when they go to eat it the bag gets lodged in their beaks causing them to starve to death. The latest figures ravel that over 10million plastic bags are being used every day. All of this can be prevented†¦ by one simple solution. Next time you go to the super market look for an alterative to the plastic bag; this could either be a paper bag or a cl oth bag. If you love your world.. and if you want to live in a cleaner environment†¦ How to cite Why Not to Use Plastic Bags, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Product Distribution free essay sample
Product distribution (or place) is one of the four elements of the marketing mix. An organization or set of organizations (go-betweens) involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption by a consumer or business user. The other three parts of the marketing mix are product, pricing, and promotion. The distribution channel Distribution is also a very important component of Logistics Supply chain management. Distribution in supply chain management refers to the distribution of a good from one business to another.It can be factory to supplier, supplier to retailer, or retailer to end customer. It is defined as a chain of intermediaries; each passing the product down the chain to the next organization, before it finally reaches the consumer or end-user. This process is known as the distribution chain or the channel. Each of the elements in these chains will have their own specific needs, which the producer must take into account, along with those of the all-important end-user. We will write a custom essay sample on Product Distribution or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ChannelsA number of alternative channels of distribution may be available: †¢Distributor, who sells to retailers via direct marketing, or brokers can also be used, †¢Retailer (also called dealer or reseller), who sells to end customers †¢Direct Distribution (Direct Marketing),where an organization sells its products directly to the end customer. For example in case of online purchases(Internet Marketing and E-commerce) there will be the seller and customer. For this the seller and the customer may depend on various shipping providers. Advertisement typically used for the consumption goods Distribution channels may not be restricted to physical products from producer to consumer in certain sectors, since both direct and indirect channels may be used. Hotels, for example, may sell their services (typically rooms) directly or through travel agents, tour operators, airlines, tourist boards, centralized reservation systems, etc. process of transfer the products or services from Producer to Customer or end user. There have also been some innovations in the distribution of services.For example, there has been an increase in franchising and in rental services the latter offering anything from televisions through tools. There has also been some evidence of service integration, with services linking together, particularly in the travel and tourism sectors. For example, links now exist between airlines, hotels and car rental services. In addition, there has been a significant increase in retail outlets for the service sector. Outlets such as estate agencies and building society offices are crowding out traditional grocers from major shopping areas.Channel decisions Channel Sales is nothing but a chain for to market a product through different sources. †¢Channel strategy †¢Gravity adventure †¢Push and Pull strategy †¢Product (or service) †¢Cost †¢Consumer location Managerial concerns The channel decision is very important. In theory at least, there is a form of trade-off: the cost of using intermediaries to achieve wider distribution is supposedly lower. Indeed, most consumer goods manufacturers could never justify the cost of selling direct to their consumers, except by mail order.Many suppliers seem to assume that once their product has been sold into the channel, into the beginning of the distribution chain, their job is finished. Yet that distribution chain is merely assuming a part of the suppliers responsibility; and, if they have any aspirations to be market-oriented, their job should really be extended to managing all the processes involved in that chain, until the product or service arrives with the end-user. This may involve a number of decisions on the part of the supplier: †¢Channel membership †¢Channel motivation †¢Monitoring and managing channelsType of marketing channel 1. Intensive distribution Where the majority of resellers stock the product with convenience products, for example, and particularly the brand leaders in consumer goods markets (price competition may be evident). 2. Selective distribution This is the normal pattern (in both consumer and industrial markets) where suitable resellers stock the product. 3. Exclusive distribution Only Lombard specially selected resellers or authorized dealers (typically only one per geographical area) are allowed to sell the product.Channel motivation It is difficult enough to motivate direct employees to provide the necessary sales and service support. Motivating the owners and employees of the independent organizations in a distribution chain requires even greater effort. There are many devices for achieving such motivation. Perhaps the most usual is `incentive: the supplier offers a better margin, to tempt the owners in the channel to push the product rather than its competitors; or a compensation is offered to the distributors sales personnel, so that they are tempted to push the product.Julian Dent defines this incentive as a Channel Value Proposition or business case, with which the supplier sells the channel member on the commercial merits of doing business together. He describes this as selling business models not products. Monitoring and managing channels In much the same way that the organizations own sales and distribution activities need to be monitored and managed, so will those of the distribution chain. In practice, many organizations use a mix of different channels; in particular, they may complement a direct sales force, calling on the larger accounts, with agents, covering the smaller customers and prospects.
Friday, March 20, 2020
The curious incident of a dog in the nighttime Essays
The curious incident of a dog in the nighttime Essays The curious incident of a dog in the nighttime Essay The curious incident of a dog in the nighttime Essay Everyone has probably wondered once In their Lifetime about how life would have been with a disorder. Through this novel in the head of an autistic boy lives a child trying to express his emotions. The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night-Time by Mark Haddam. Mark, the author of this astonishing novel describes how different life is like in an autistic childs mind. This novel is written in a way that normal novels are not. There are diagrams, footnotes and metaphors these elements show the reader how Christopher struggles with autism. Firstly, every author has Its specific style of approach to the audience, the way Mark has added diagrams in this novel to make it look like this is the way autistic kids write or describe it is very unusual. While explaining the Journey of Christopher life, diagrams are something he uses daily. First of all I made a plan of our street Like this(35). Len this diagram it shows a birds eye view of Christopher street. It states that Christopher uses diagrams to help him out on whatever he Is doing. So In this case Christopher Is going to go out and Investigate. So to help himself out, he drew a map of his street. Autism can be serious for some people but they have their ways in helping themselves succeed. Such as Christopher uses diagrams. Novels usually explain their plans in a written description whereas in this novel or maybe in an autistic mind it shows illustrations which makes it unusual. Also, a picture says a thousand words the author uses these diagrams/pleasures which clearly shows a message of the situation. And then I realized that there was nothing And I made a picture of It In my head Like 30). In this diagram It shows a mind map of what choices Christopher has to decide which place would be the safest for him. Most books have words and words and it gets boring, tiring and monotonous. The way Mark Haddam uses diagrams is interesting and no other novel uses this idea. It clearly explains the thinking and the struggle of life for the character. Secondly, each and every novel explains points or elaborates on them, Mark chose to do the same but with footnotes which makes It unusual. A. Not talking to people for a long title. Once I did not talk to anyone for five weeks(46). Novels are written in a way that makes things easier for the audience to read. In this novel Christopher likes to make everything detailed. He states points by elaborating on them more. This is probably because Christopher thinks that everyone notices details as well. He comes and states the points and adds a footnote so it is easier for the audience to understand. Also, the way the author, Mark Haddam write s about how an autistic person connote make a Judgment or decide on a simple situation, Is also unusual. People say that you have to tell the truth. But they do not mean this because you are not allowed to tell an old man that they are A normal or an non-autistic person will understand how to deal or what to do when they come in contact with an older person. If anyone comes into to contact and start a conversation with an older person and they state that l have become old no one would agree with them, but say no, you are still young. Mark has now come to a point In the novel where he be said because of autism. Thirdly, although Christopher does not seem to understand metaphors they are still seen throughout the book. A metaphor is a direct comparison without using like or as. We had a real pig of the day think it should be called a lie because a pig is not like a day(1 5). Mark Haddam uses metaphors in this novel but because Christopher is autistic he cannot understand the meaning of them like normal people do. Christopher thinks that a metaphors are lies and that they can never be true. This shows that the author, Mark the autistic minds of preserving metaphors. Marks writing explains about how Christopher takes metaphors as what it is. By imagining n actual apple in someones eyes. Whereas, for non-autistic people they would think it as you are special. Another reason that makes this novel unusual with the use of metaphors was Christopher did not like his name. My name is a metaphor, it means carrying Christ It was the name given to SST. Christopher because he carried Jesus Christ across a river But I do not want my name to mean a story(16). Mark has a very unusual way to describe the name given to Christopher. Due to autism Christopher does not understand that the story behind naming Christopher, Christopher which was actually nice and a proud feeling that you get named after such a good deed. Christopher takes metaphors the way they are meaning what was his name before he carried Jesus Christ? Basically, the way an autistic mind takes things are not the correct meaning. Therefore, while reading and discovering how an autistic mind works, Mark Haddam has written this novel in an interesting way yet unusual. Such as when he uses diagrams, footnotes and metaphors. Using diagrams, footnotes and metaphors s an interesting way Mark Haddam has shown the audience how an autistic child sees the world. Christopher uses diagrams as a navigator throughout his life. He likes to make everything detailed so its easier for the audience to understand his mind by using footnotes. And not knowing the real meaning of what a metaphor really means is not in the hands of an autistic child. The Curious Incident OF the Dog In The Night- Time by Mark Haddam illuminates a core of suffering through the narrowly focused novel in sights of a boy who has no words to describe emotional pain.
Tuesday, March 3, 2020
Advice for Finding a Private School Teaching Job
Advice for Finding a Private School Teaching Job Cornelia and Jim Iredell run Independent School Placement, which matches educators with independent schools in New York City, its suburbs, and New Jersey. The company was founded in 1987. We asked Cornelia Iredell her advice for teachers and teacher candidates. Here’s what she had to say: What do private schools look for in teacher applicants? These days, just as much as advanced degrees and familiarity with independent schools, independent schools look for experience in the classroom. It used to be 25 years ago that if you went to a wonderful college, you could walk into an independent school and start teaching. That’s not true these days, except perhaps in the suburbs in Connecticut and New Jersey. In New York City independent schools, the position open to people with that background is the assistant teacher in elementary grades. It’s the easiest entry-level position. You need a strong undergraduate degree and some experience working with children. The more academic schools really look for someone who’s had more professional experience and who’s halfway through a master’s or done some student teaching. Even that is more difficult for someone with a B.A. Schools will make an exception for an alumna or alumnus sometimes. Why is prior teaching experience so important? One of the situations that teachers in independent schools may face is a parent asking why a student isn’t getting an â€Å"A.†Kids will complain too if the teacher doesn’t have experience. The schools want to make sure the teacher is prepared to deal with these types of situations. On the other hand, teacher candidates shouldn’t worry about where they got their degrees. Some schools are known for certain programs, and these schools aren’t necessarily top tier or Ivy League. People will sit up and take notice at all kinds of schools around the country. What is your advice for mid-career people looking to transition? For the mid-career person, these schools have an individualized process. The schools may be looking for someone with professional experience. They may be looking for someone who can do something else, such as development. A career changer can find a job in an independent school. We see an increasing number of career changers who are tired of doing what they are doing. Now, we’re more frequently getting candidates who have done some graduate work in the field. We’ve had people do the New York City Teaching Fellows program even if they’re interested in independent schools, so they can get hands-on training. What is your advice for jobseekers? Get experience in some way. If you are a recent grad, do Teach for America or the NYC Teaching Fellows program. If you can put up with being in a difficult school, it can be an eye-opener. People will take you seriously. You can also try to find a position in a boarding school or another part of the country, where it is more difficult to find the ideal teacher. Boarding schools are more open to intern teachers. They give you a lot of mentoring. It’s a wonderful experience. In addition, write a good cover letter and resume. Some of the cover letters and resumes we see are in poor shape these days. People don’t know how to structure a cover letter introducing themselves. People present themselves badly and praise themselves in the letter and overstate their experience. Instead, keep it brief and factual. Can public school teachers transition to private schools? Yes, they can! Certainly there are lower school teachers who’ve been head teachers in public elementary schools. If it’s someone who’s been tied to testing and a Regents curriculum, it’s harder. If you are coming from a public school, become more familiar with independent schools. Sit in classes, and get an idea of what the expectations are and what the classroom dynamic is. What helps teachers be successful once in schools? A good mentoring program helps people. Some schools have a more formal one, while some are more informal. Have not only a mentor in your own teaching department, but have someone perhaps in a different area who is not tied in with commenting on how you are teaching your subject and can give you feedback on how you are relating to your students. Being a subject matter expert and a good teacher are both important, particularly in the upper school. Again, that’s part of the importance of the style of the person fitting in with the school. Teachers are always nervous about the demo lesson they have to do as candidates. It’s an artificial situation. What the schools are looking at is the style of the teacher, whether the teacher connects with the class. It’s important to engage the students. Are there any particular areas of growth? Independent schools are always evolving and working to stay at the forefront of learning and education. They are constantly reevaluating their curriculum, even the best schools. Many schools offer a global emphasis in many areas in the curriculum and a greater movement towards interdisciplinary work. There is also a move towards a student-centered approach and modern skills and learning methods. Real world experience is also becoming increasingly important, as are skills in technology, design thinking, entrepreneurship and more, so teachers with life experience might find themselves at the top of the resume pile.
Sunday, February 16, 2020
Gastroesophageal Reflux disease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Gastroesophageal Reflux disease - Essay Example Other factors that are involved in pathogenesis of GERD included the reflux of gastric acid and pancreatic enzyme that lead to injury of the oesophageal mucosa. In essence, the defence mechanism of the oesophagus are in two ways i.e. clearance and resistance of the oesophageal mucosa. Oesophageal clearance plays a significant role in neutralising the acid that is refluxed through the LES. Enhanced clearance reduces the time that oesophagus is exposed to the corroding effect of gastric acid mixtures. The mucosal resistance of the oesophagus offers a protective mechanism and if these defences fail then oesophagitis ensues as a complication of GERD. The Lower oesophageal sphincter (LES) has a significant role in causing GERD. Dysfunction of LES may occur due to transient relaxation of LES and increase of intra-abdominal pressure that exceed the pressure of LES. Delay in gastric emptying may cause GERD because of the increased pressure in the stomach that may overcome the pressure of LES . A Hiatal hernia may cause GERD because it may push LES to move proximally into the chest making it lose its high-pressure area in the abdomen (Kahrilas, 2010). Management of GERD involves lifestyle modification as well as the use of medication to reduce gastric acid. The lifestyle modifications include weight loss, elevating head of bed if experiencing nocturnal symptoms and avoidance of food that worsen the symptoms. Proton pump inhibitors, for example, Omeprazole, Lansoprazole and rabeprazole are the drug of choice in managing GERD. These drugs inhibit the secretion of gastric acid from the gastric parietal cells. H2-receptor antagonists are used in mild cases, which act by competitively blocking histamine receptors specifically those of gastric parietal cells. These drugs include ranitidine, cimetidine and nizatidine among others, they are also used as maintenance therapy to prevent relapse of
Sunday, February 2, 2020
Launching a Womens Magazine Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words
Launching a Womens Magazine - Assignment Example The marketing environment being essentially dynamic, it is essential for the organisation to keep up with the changes (Marketing Environment 2004, p.34). The marketing environment comprises of forces that are internal and external to its marketing functions. Internal forces are those that are inherent to the organisation and hence, can be controlled by the organisation. External forces affect the industry as a whole and cannot be controlled by individual organisations. It is imperative for an organisation to predict, recognise, analyse and understand these forces, and strategically plan its marketing activities. Macro-environmental factors include political, economical, social and technological factors along with demographic, cultural and legal factors that affect a marketing environment. Government policies, political stability, legislations, and prevailing domestic politics and international politics are factors that can affect the publishing industry. Economic factors of a region greatly influence the purchasing power parity (PPP) of that region. The higher the purchasing power parity in a region, the higher its buying potential (Marketing Environment 2004, p.41). The socio-cultural forces refer to the attitudes, beliefs, norms, values and lifestyles of individuals in a society. These forces can present opportunities and pose threats to the magazine sector of the industry. Increasing health challenges can lead to increasing sales of healthcare-related literature. Technology shapes needs as well as helps bring down prices. Technology also helps easy distribution of products. Technology ha s revolutionized advertising, and launching such a superior product as a women's magazine essentially needs promotion with high quality, creative advertisements. Some macro-environmental factors that affect the introduction of a new women's magazine into the market can be cited here. The possible threat of an EU-wide imposition of VAT on books and magazines can greatly affect the market of a new women's magazine. The Office of Fair Trading has recommended that the distribution of magazines should be opened up to greater competition (PEST analysis n.d., p.17). Under the initiative of The Reading Agency, funded by the Government, the year 2008 was announced as a National Year of Reading to encourage reading among the younger people (PEST analysis n.d., p.18). This is likely to have a significant impact on the market of a new women's magazine, and the possibility has to be thoroughly explored. Publisher's rights regarding territories where they are allowed to sell their publications are also factors that have to be looked into while launching a new women's magazine. 3. Micro-environmental factors Micro-environmental factors are those external factors that are close to the company "that affect its ability to serve its customers" (Marshall n.d.). The micro-environmental factors include mainly suppliers, marketing intermediaries, competition and customers. Suppliers provide the resources that are needed to produce the products. They form an important link in the value delivery system (Marshall n.d.). Increase in raw material prices will affect the cost of production, which will inevitably lead to an increase in price. This can affect the marketing environment negatively. Maintaining close relationships
Saturday, January 25, 2020
Case Study: Urbanisation In Nairobi
Case Study: Urbanisation In Nairobi With an ever-growing global population have come changes in the way that cities emerge and develop, with urbanization being one of the most prominent. While only 10% of the worlds population lived in cities in 1900, this percentage has now ballooned to over 50% (Benton-Short Short, 2008, p. 66). During this period of urbanization, trends characterizing urbanizing cities have developed, each posing their own unique challenges for urban planners. These trends include: the emergence of predominant age groups, variations in the size and distribution of cities, environmental degradation, the introduction of institutional changes and participatory planning, and changes due to poor economic conditions. A city is largely defined by its residents. While developed and transitional countries are characterized by aging populations, it is estimated that 60% of residents in urban areas of developing countries will be under the age of 18 by the year 2030 (United Nations Human Settlements Programme [UN-Habitat], 2009, p. 10). These countries will also see their young urban populations grow by 50% within the next 40 years (ibid, p. 10). A country defined by older citizens and a declining or negative growth rate has different priorities and needs than a rapidly growing country with a young populace. These distinctions create different challenges for urban planners. Urban planners of developed and transitional countries are faced with the problem of renewing cities now in their deindustrialization phase. They have to transform areas and structures that have been abandoned by redeveloping waterfronts and brownfields, supported by programs such as the Brownfields Initiative in the United States, so that these areas can contribute to the future growth of the city (Benton-Short Short, 2008, p. 83). They also need to consider how current health systems and facilities for the elderly population can be updated and expanded to accommodate the aging baby boom population. Urban planners in the global south, however, are tasked with developing infrastructures to supply rapidly growing populations with housing, water, and sanitation. Systems need to be developed that will support the surge in young residents, providing facilities and programs that will serve this age group as they begin to shape the future of the city. The emergence of predominant age groups challenges planners to consider the specific needs of that age group. As cities grow in population, they also tend to grow in physical size and expand outwards. This expansion is apparent as the majority of the worlds urban population lives in cities and towns of less than 500,000 people rather than in megacities, which are home to populations of at least 10 million (Benton-Short Short, 2008, p. 73; UN-Habitat, 2009, p. 11). In developed countries like Canada and the United States, this growth has manifested itself in the form of sprawl, creating suburbs that are made up of homogeneous segregated uses: housing subdivisions, shopping centers, office/business parks, large civic institutions, and roadways heavily dependant on collector roads (Randolph, 2004, p. 37). These suburbs are auto-centric, characterized by their residents tendency to travel by personal vehicle. Planners must consider how to guide a citys growth and maintain its sustainability in the midst of the air pollution and high energy consumption associated with automobiles. Unlike these d eveloped countries, Hostovsky (2010b) notes that growth in the developing world has manifested itself as over-urbanization rather than sprawl (p. 19). Huge populations form cities in these countries, which are then surrounded by informal housing areas known as shantytowns or slums. Since shantytowns are considered illegal, there is often no government support to provide the infrastructure necessary for adequate water supply, sanitation, electricity, trash collection, etc. (Benton-Short Short, 2008, p. 90). Planners are challenged to consider how to approach these underserved communities as previous attempts to formalize these areas have resulted in further deterioration in quality of life (UN-Habitat, 2009, p. 12). Urban planners must consider how sprawl and over-urbanization affect the countries in which they occur, and ensure that infrastructures reach the necessary distances and serve the huge numbers of underprivileged citizens that they need to. There is also an alarming trend of environmental degradation and an increasing frequency of natural disasters. Climate change is soon expected to affect the worlds ability to access water, produce food, and maintain healthy populations (ibid, p. 2). Exacerbating this issue of climate change is the proliferation of suburbs and industries that rely on oil as an energy source, leading to significant increases in greenhouse gas emissions (ibid, p. 3). The climate change issue is one that all countries must consider, be they developed, transitional, or developing. Countries are faced with the challenge of supplying their populations with access to food and water in an environment that will no longer be able to sustain such large populations and rapid growth. If the entire globe were to live at the same standards as North Americans, two additional planets would be required to accommodate the increase in ecological load (Hostovsky, 2010a, p. 35). In addition to the degradation of the natura l environment, has come an increase in the frequency of natural disasters. The global rate of occurrence has increased fourfold since 1975, with a threefold increase in Africa in the past 10 years (UN-Habitat, 2009, p. 14). Of particular concern is the fact that disasters have the greatest impact on the poorest of the poor. Of the 270 million people affected by disasters in 2002, 98% of those people were residents of low-income countries (Benton-Short Short, 2008, p. 125). This can be charged to the fact that these low-income countries simply do not have the financial capability to implement disaster preparedness programs like developed countries. Planners will need to use innovative ways to build infrastructures that will be able to withstand these natural disasters and mitigate the economic and human life losses that ensue. By mitigating climate change and planning for natural disasters, urban planners have a significant role in ensuring that the expected population growth is sus tainable with one planet. The trends of urbanizing cities are occurring not only amidst changes in the natural environment, but also changes in the political environment. Governments are no longer in the same form as when these cities were first founded. Citizens are demanding participatory approach to planning, no longer willing to merely accept the planning decisions of their leaders (UN-Habitat, 2009, p. 3). Planners will need to recognize that public consultations will partially guide their work and that their work will only be effective in a political environment that is stable (ibid, p. 3). All of the trends discussed above exist in an economic context, one that has changed significantly over the past century. Economies of the world have become integrated through the process of economic globalization. As a result of this globalization, all countries are feeling the effects of the current recession. This recession is expected to decrease the amount of funding available for urban development projects, increase unemployment rates, and exacerbate current poverty levels (ibid, p. 12). All countries, regardless of whether they are developed, transitional, or developing, will have to face these financial issues. Planners will be faced with the challenge of developing sustainable urban centres with limited budgets. With the trends associated with urbanizing cities (the emergence of predominant age groups, variations in the size and distribution of cities, environmental degradation, the introduction of institutional changes and participatory planning, and changes due to poor economic conditions) come unique challenges for urban planners to ensure that this rapid urbanization is successful and sustainable. Part 2 A Global City: Nairobi, Kenya Overview Located in eastern Africa, Nairobi is the capital city of Kenya (see Figure 1). With 3 million residents, the citys population is growing at a rate of 3.8% per year (Department of Economic and Social Affairs, 2007). The majority of the residents are between 15-64 years of age, with a median age of 18.7 (Central Intelligence Agency [CIA], 2010). Nairobi was founded in 1902 by the British colonial government and informal housing has been developing there ever since (Warah, 2001, p. 1). The colonial government believed that Africans did not need, nor deserve, accommodation as they were the source of disease (Republic of Kenya, 2005, p. 4). Strict regulations and planning laws restricted the Africans access to urban land in order to isolate them from the Europeans and as a result, informal housing began being built on the perimeter of the cities (ibid, p. 4). These areas were soon destroyed and the residents were forced to return to rural areas. When Kenya achieved independence in 1963, new legislation was introduced that provided subsidized housing, but these subsidies favoured middle and upper income groups even though 70% of the demand for this housing came from the poor (ibid, p. 4). In the 1970s to early 1980s, the government provided minimal services to the slum communities, but when Structural Adjustment Programmes were introduced in 1986, the government no longer provided subsidies, causing life in the shantytowns to further deteriorate (Warah, 2001, p. 2). In the past, there have been attempts to upgrade these shantytowns but lack of affordability, high standards for infrastructure, land tenure complication, misallocation and administrative inefficiency have caused mixed results (Republic of Kenya, 2005, p. 5). The Republic of Kenya and United Nations came together in 2000 to develop the Kenya Slum Upgrading Programme (KENSUP) which is in the process of implemented (ibid, p. 5). Sixty-percent of Nairobis population lives in slums that cover 5% of the citys land (UN-Habitat, 2010). In these slums, only 20% of residents are connected to electricity and 4% have water connections, while solid waste disposal services are nearly nonexistent (ibid). Economy Nairobi began as a stop on the Kenya Uganda Railway (Mitullah, 2003, p. 1). Although it used to be a mere stop on the route, the city became a centre for commercial trade and business when the railways headquarters were moved from Mombasa to Nairobi in 1899 (ibid, p. 1). Today, over 86% of Nairobis residents participate in the citys economy (ibid, p. 4). The citys labour force is comprised of 67,900 individuals in[the] manufacturing industry, 39,700 in building and construction; 57,300 in trade, restaurants, and hotels, 42,200 in finance, insurance, real estate and business services; while community, social, and personal services [employ] 155,900 people (ibid, p. 4). Although so many residents are employed in these formal industries, the majority of people still engage in informal economic activities such as small trade because employment in the informal sector has grown by 176% while formal sector employment has contracted by 0.43% (ibid, p. 4, see Figure 3). As Kenyas capital city, Nairobi also plays a large role in the countrys economy, serving as the regional core for trade and finance (CIA, 2010). It is through this trading capability that Kenya can export almost $4.5 billion worth of tea, coffee, petroleum products, fish and cement to the United Kingdom, Netherlands, Uganda, Tanzania, the United States and Uganda (ibid) per year. Social Issues Nairobi is home to one of the largest slums in the world, Kibera (see Figure 2), which has a population of over 1 million residents (Amnesty International, 2009). Kibera is plagued by social inequities and issues, some of the most prominent being the high rate of HIV/AIDS, the high levels of youth crime, and inequality for women. Youth in Kenya usually only receive ten years of schooling (CIA, 2010). With the lowest literacy rate in the country, Nairobi youth are not empowered to solve their own problems and problems of the community (City Council of Nairobi, 2009, p. 7). This lack of education continues with them and affects the quality of decisions that they make in the future. For example, leaders failed to recognize the effectiveness of antiretroviral treatment programs in the prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS and it is estimated that their delay in making these programs available led to 3.8 million person-years lost in South Africa from 2000-2005 (Harvard School of Public Health, 2008). Over 1.2 million of the countrys population is estimated to be living with this disease with 150,000 dying each year, making Kenya 4th in the world in terms of the number of deaths attributed to this disease (CIA, 2010). There is a lack of education and social stigma surrounding this disease that prevents the country f rom mitigating its horrible effects. Crime is another issue that proliferates throughout Kenya and Nairobi. The frequency of crimes such as armed robbery, murder, mugging, car-jacking, housebreaking, physical and sexual assault have all been increasing (UN-Habitat, 2007, p. 1). A trend is also occurring where the majority of crimes are committed by youth. In fact, over 50% of convicted prisoners are between the ages of 16 to 25 (ibid, p. 1). The Mungiki movement is a key case of this. The movement is considered the most organized criminal group in the country. They are responsible for the death of 23 residents in 2002, imposing illegal taxes, and controlling the security, water and electricity in slums (ibid, p. 1). Although the residents of Kibera are all exposed to the issues that face the shantytown, women are particularly affected by this negative environment. They are not given the same access to education, they are expected to care for their families, and they are not protected by the police force. Although women are given access to an education, they are often so burdened with home responsibilities that they drop out of school. They feel this burden because they not only take care of their own siblings and children, but they often end up caring for orphans whose parents passed away from HIV. As a teacher in the area notes, [Girls] are not given time to learn and study at home. So that means they will eventually fail (Amnesty International, 2009). These women are not only underprivileged but they are also invisible to the systems that should be meant to protect them. The corridors of these slums are unsafe, especially at night. Should a woman be raped, her report to the police would be use less unless she herself can find the perpetrator herself (ibid). As a result, fewer reports are filed and the vicious cycle that allows these acts to occur continues on. Nairobi residents, especially those of slums like Kibera, are often uneducated, without the knowledge to protect themselves from HIV/AIDS and the growing rates of youth crime. Women and girls are often the greatest impacted due to the social inequality towards women, without the opportunity to receive a proper education and subject to the apathy of the police force. Environmental Issues and Infrastructure As mentioned previously, Nairobi is home to Kibera, one of the largest shantytowns in the world (Amnesty International, 2009). These areas of informal housing are exposed to the environmental issues. Residents are plagued by issues in air pollution, solid waste management, and potable water supply and sanitation. Like many cities in North America, increased use of personal vehicles has caused an increase in air pollution in Nairobi. The pollution is also created from industries, charcoal fire, and the incineration of waste in open pits (City of Nairobi, 2007, p. 8). This air pollution has already led to a loss of biodiversity, an increase in acid rain and climate change (ibid, p. 8). Nairobi only has one solid waste disposal dump at Dandora, which is believed to have already reached full capacity (City of Nairobi, 2007, p. 9). With nowhere to dispose of their waste, residents of Nairobi slums have resorted to illegal dump yards, residential backyards and commercial property (ibid, p. 9). Over 50% of the wastes are organic (ibid, p. 9), and when these materials decompose, residents are exposed to high levels of bacteria and vector borne diseases such as malaria and Rift Valley fever (CIA, 2010). The most evident environmental issue in Nairobi is related to its water supply and sanitation. Water is crucial to the survival of all living things, and yet, only 42% of Nairobi households have access to clean water (City Council of Nairobi, 2007, p. 11). Further exacerbating this issue of lack of clean water is the fact that contaminated water is not always treated. In fact, only two-thirds of Nairobi residents have access to sanitation, with many slum residents using a pit latrine that is shared by many people (ibid, p. 12). Forced to fetch potentially unclean water from other sources, residents are exposed to dangerous water-borne diseases which are responsible for 30% of deaths in the global south (Benton-Short Short, 2008, p. 163). Residents are at a high degree of risk for waterborne diseases such as bacterial and protozoal diarrhea, hepatitis A, typhoid fever, and schistosomiasis (CIA, 2010). Part 3 Conclusions Africa is one of the regions experiencing the greatest rate of urbanization in the world (UN-Habitat, 2009, p. 10). Although this urbanization provides new opportunities for economic and social growth, it also poses unique challenges and issues for the development of cities such as Nairobi. Planners need to consider trends that are true of most urbanizing cities (the emergence of predominant age groups, variations in the size and distribution of cities, changes due to poor economic conditions, and an increasing susceptibility to disasters), but also focus on the issues that are specific to Nairobi. Nairobi has a growing population of young people. With the lowest literacy rate in the country, Nairobi youth are not empowered to solve their own problems and problems of the community (City Council of Nairobi, 2009, p. 7). These youth are also at a high risk for HIV/AIDS and are susceptible to being influenced by organized crime groups. If planners manage to develop systems that will educate and protect these young residents, they may reduce the risk of contracting such a deadly disease and the crime rate. Like other urbanizing cities, Nairobi is growing in size as its population increases. However, unlike North America where this growth has been characterized by the emergence of suburbs, Nairobi has been over-urbanized. Since Africa is dominated by a few key cities, planners must be prepared to deal with the sprawl, congestion and environmental effects that are often associated with urban primacy (UN-Habitat, 2009, p. 12). While the entire world is experiencing more natural disasters, Africa is at the peak of this, experiencing a three-fold increase in the past 10 years alone (UN-Habitat, 2009, p. 14). Since lower-income countries are more susceptible to both capital and human loss due to the lack of disaster recovery programs, Nairobi will be faced with the challenge of building infrastructures and implementing programs that will help in the mitigation of loss during these disasters. Finally, these trends and issues faced by Nairobi are occurring in the worst economic recession since 1945 (UN-Habitat, 2009, p. 12). Planners will be faced with the task of building new infrastructures and implementing new programs with less financial support, and in an environment where unemployment and poverty levels are rising. Nairobi will encounter a long journey before it can become an ideal model of a global urbanizing city. Its greatest weakness is its lack of an official plan. The latest approved city plan was developed in 1948, with a revised version submitted in 1973 that was never approved (City of Nairobi, 2007, p. 3). Without a plan, leaders and citizens can never expect to develop a city that is successful and sustainable. Figure 1 Map of Kenya (CIA, 2010) Figure 2 Kibera, a slum in Nairobi (Amnesty International, 2010) Figure 3 Comparison of formal and informal sectors (Mitullah, 2003, p. 4)
Friday, January 17, 2020
Retirement plans
Abstract A good retirement plan should be one that would provide retirees with the most benefits. These benefits should ideally provide tax advantages. Tax savings can be realized in the short run or in the long run depending on the type of scheme selected. It should also provide a secure investment that offers attractive returns. This paper looks into the retirement programs highlighting the advantages of these schemes to different players. This paper opines that despite the few disadvantages of these schemes, They provide an great avenue through which employees can plan their futur. Definition These are a programs established by employer or employee or both aimed at providing the retirees with a source of income when they are no longer in employment. Retirement plans basically are set up as a form of savings plan to cater for the future i.e. by providing some form of income when a person has retired. Types of retirement plans There are several retirement plans available in the market today. The employees should therefore select a plan that meets their expectation and suits their needs. Below is a list and explanation of some of the available retirement plans. i) Individual Retirement Accounts plans It is one of the simplest retirement programs that can be set by an individual. It is also worthwhile to note that IRAs be established by employers. Therefore IRAs can be established with little employers’ involvement to those that they establish and contribute to the scheme. The retirement benefits depend on the contributions and subsequently the income earned by these funds. There are four IRA plans Payroll Deduction IRA- formed by the employee either under traditional or Roth IRA in conjunction with a financial institution. The financial institution (banks, insurance companies) then deducts the contributions towards the plan under the authority of the employee. Traditional IRA contributions are partly or wholly tax deductible and therefore present tax savings to the employee. The other advantage is that the earnings on the plan are not taxed unless distributed. The same applies to the contributions to the plan. Roth IRA deductions are not tax deductible and also distributions are not part of the income (Internal Revenue Service 2008) Salary Reduction Simplified Employee Pension Plan (SARSEP) – It is a simple plan that involves salary reduction agreement which enables the employers to contribute to the IRAs set by them and also to the employees IRAs. There contributions are subject to a limit. Simplified Employee Pension Plan (SEP)-Employers contribute towards the plan Savings Incentive Match Plan for Employees (SIMPLE IRA) – employers make contributions towards their own retirement plan and also that of the employees. The employees reduce their salaries with the employers making similar contributions. ii) IRC 401 (K) Plans. Can involve employees delaying their salaries and these money is taken to 401(k) plan supported by their employers. The deferred salary is not taxed unless distributed. The benefit of having a 401(k) plan is that one can have other plans as well The employee/employer contribution is subject to a limit with withdrawals being permitted but subject to taxes. iii) TRC 403(b)-Tax sheltered Annuity Plans This plan are operated by public schools and certain tax exempt organizations. This plan is same as 401(k) in the sense that contributions are in form of salary delays with the employers sponsoring the plan. The potential benefits of this plan are that the contributions and earnings on retirement are tax deferred with annuities being carried by the employee on retirement or change of employers (IRS: 2008) iv) IRC 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plans Established by state or local government or tax exempt organization under IRA (501(c). Employees or employers contribute to the plan through salary reductions up to a certain set limit under IRC 402(g) These plans can be eligible under IRC 457 (b) or illegible under IRC 457(f). Eligible plan allows tax deferral on contributions and earnings on the retirement funds (Ryterband &Alpem: 2005) v) Designated Roth Accounts in 401(k) or 403(b) plans 401(k) and 403(b) can be designated as Roth plans since 2006. These plans are allowed under Code section 402 A added by the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act 2001. Designated Roth contributions are included in the gross income and are also elective. A designated Roth account is where with contributions is made with separate accounting of contributions, gains and losses being maintained (IRS 2008) Designated Roth contributions are subject to limit with employee and employers contributing up to certain determinable limit. Advantages and Disadvantages of good retirement plan As discussed above, there are different types of retirement plans that employees and employers can chose from. The plan to be selected should provide the most benefits to both the employer and employee and most importantly suit the needs of both the employee and employers (Scotto, D., J et al: 2008) Therefore, in discussing the advantages and disadvantages of retirement plans, it important to approach it from the employees and employers point view. Advantages-Employees Tax saving-A good retirement plan should be able to provide the most tax savings and advantages. Tax advantages can be in the form of tax-exempt and tax deferrals. A good number of retirement plans offer these tax advantages and therefore employees and employers can select a plan that meets their needs (Maddock J, 2007) The tax savings can be realized in the short run or in the long run depending on the type of scheme selected. Many investment options and opportunities-The contributions (funding) to the retirement plan are invested in various investment options. A good retirement plan should therefore put the money in investments that offer attractive returns while at the same time safeguarding the investor’s money. Retirement plans are long term in nature and therefore the contributions should be invested in the long term also (Perlinger Financial Services: 2008) Provides a ‘nest egg’-Retirement plans provide employees with an opportunity to slowly but constantly contribute towards their retirement. The benefit of this arrangement is that it does not strain the employees financially and thus they are able to make contribution which they are comfortable with. All these contributions are invested in stocks, bonds and other investment opportunities which earn interest and appreciate in value and therefore the retirement benefits will accumulate and become substantial upon retirement. Employer contributions-Contribution to the retirement benefits plan can be by an individual or by the company or both depending on the type of plan. A good retirement benefit plan should allow both contribution of employee and employer. The employer contributions are usually elective in nature. Contributions by both employer and employee ensure that the fund accumulates faster and thus on retirement the fund will be huge. Performance of the fund-The contributors to the retirement scheme should be able to monitor the performance of the fund. A good retirement benefits plan should provide regular updates on the performance of the fund so that any surplus or deficit can be appropriately dealt with. Advantages- Employer Employee retention-A good retirement plan can act as an incentive to the employees and also attract better employees. The company can retain its top employees by offering them a good retirement scheme and since it is for the long term, the company is able to retain them. The company is also able to attract employees who are better qualified in terms of experience and skills and thus the company will benefit (Business Owners Toolkit: 2008) Financial security of employees-Employees is able to perform optimally if they know that their financial future is guaranteed. A retirement benefit plan that provides this perceived financial security is good Employee morale-Since most pension schemes are based on the salary earned by the employee, a good retirement plan therefore, serves to motivate and encourage all employees to work hard and hence earn more wages. Higher salaries subsequently means ‘handsome’ retirement package and this enhances staff morale. Tax savings-The contributions to the retirement scheme in most plans is tax allowable and this provides the company with the most tax efficient way of rewarding its employees. The contributions are deducted when calculating the taxable income. Reduced recruitment costs-As seen above, a good retirement plan helps the company retain most of its employees and therefore the costs associated with recruitment and replacing the employees who left the company is minimized (Perlinger Financial Services:2008) Disadvantages of retirement plans Despite all the numerous advantages of setting up a retirement plan, there are several disadvantages associated with it. Some of these are discussed below. Some of the retirement plans are time consuming, expensive and complex to set up. The result of this is that the company incurs extra expenses and thereby squeezing the profit margins. The complexities in establishing the plan will also present more costs apart from being time consuming (Business Owners Toolkit: 2008) The operations of the retirement plan needs professional expertise e.g. that of actuaries and accountant. These professionals offer their services at a fee which is usually expensive. The administrative costs of running a retirement plan may pose a challenge to the company in terms of extra costs. Early retirement by the employee could reduce the amount received. This in essence means that the employee has to work his full employment term in order to receive all his retirement benefits. This could mean being trapped in employment even if one is not comfortable. Joining a retirement plan late on in one’s employment i.e. when there are a few years till retirement may not accumulate a large amount enough to sustain the retiree. Therefore the retirement plan will not improve the financial security of the employee (Scotto, D., J et al: 2008) In some of the retirement plans, the contributor has no role in deciding where to invest the fund’s money. This means that the money could be invested in assets that are not in line with one’s investment strategies. This essentially means that the contributor has no control of his money. Employees are responsible for ensuring that they have enough savings for their retirement in some of the plans. This means that the employee is the one in charge of all the investment assets and therefore bears the responsibility of any losses incurred by these investments. Reference: Maddock, J (2007) Advantages of Offering a Pension Plan to Your Employees: Retrieved On 29/1/2009 Perlinger Financial Services Ltd (2008) Pension Plans: Retrieved on 29/1/2008 Internal Revenue Service (2008) Types of Retirement Plans: Retrieved On 29/1/2008 Business Owners Toolkit (2008) Pros and Cons of Retirement Plans: Retrieved On 29/1/2008 From http://www.toolkit.com/small_business_guide/sbg.aspx?nid=P05_4640 Scotto, D., J. Maglio, V., T. & Maglio, M. (2008) Choosing a retirement plan that meets the needs of employees and employer: Retrieved on 29/1/2008 from Retrieved On From http://view.fdu.edu/default.aspx?id=2333 Chang RuthenBerg and Long Pc (2003) Types of Retirement Plans retrieved on 29/1/2008 from  http://www.seethebenefits.com/CRLframeset800x600.asp?targetPage= Ryterand, D., J. & L. Alpem, R., L. (2005). The Hand Book of Employee Benefits: Design Funding and Administration, section 457, Deferred compensation plans 6th Edition (NY) Mc Graw-Hill Professional.   Â
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Summary Of The Spotted Fallow Doe - 985 Words
The spotted fallow doe was only one hundred paces from him, a shot so easy even Merlin would have no problems. So when he missed it, the confused, yet critical eye he gave the crossbow was laughable because it couldn t possibly have been his fault. He had perfect form, had it full in his sights, and he shouldn t have missed unless the crossbow was faulty. Had he damaged it in some way on this hunt? Arthur almost didn t hear Mithian s cheeky remark about his poor marksmanship when her aim was true and her bolt hit the doe in its hindquarter. Her shot didn t fell it, though, and there was very little blood to track. The king joined in the search, combing the forest floor for a trail of blood they knew would be close by. A less perceptive hunter would have missed the glint that caught his attention. Arthur knelt in a comfortable squat and picked up a silver ring tied to a leather cord. When he recognized the object, Guinevere s matching wedding band, the world closed in around him, all the times he kissed her, held her, vexed her, laughed with her, and every other moment in between spontaneously flash within his mind. The trail lost all meaning. What fickle chance had he of finding that ring, now discarded and forgotten on the forest floor in the middle of nowhere? What was Fate trying to tell him? Stricken, he looked to Merlin for answers he knew the servant wouldn t have. Merlin kept the king s gaze only briefly, the guilt of constantly altering the destiny of
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Presidency, The Judiciary, And The Bureaucracy
There exist four institutions of government, these institutions consist of The Congress, The Presidency, The Judiciary, and The Bureaucracy. Each and every institution remains essential to the laws. Nonetheless, without one of the system the government would not work, and chaos would arise in the United States. Moving on, let’s analyze the four institutions in detail. First, Congress consists of two bicameral chambers, which contains the House of Representatives, and the Senate. The tasks that these two chambers play in the legislative process subsist unlike. However, they do work together to pass bills by the majority vote, and they can also proclaim war. Furthermore, the populations are represented in the House, therefore the House proceeds much larger, and diverse than the Senate. However, the Senate remains more elite. Additionally, an appropriation bill must originate in the House. The House has the power to declare impeachment of whichever manner of misconduct within an elected official. Moreover, the Senate decides on what the punishment would be for the individual. Another power the Senate holds contains to approve appointed officials, and judges by the President. In conclusion, these two chambers remain essential for our government, and without one Congress will fall apart. Second, The Executive Office coexists of the President, the Cabinet, and a diversity of appointing advisors that remain specialized in a certain field, for example, economics, roads, land, etc.Show MoreRelatedThe Legal Approach Of The American Constitution889 Words  | 4 Pagesany tyrannical regime because it is all about laws and legislatures. In here, the American constitution is very important and leads the way. It shows that how the constitution plays a role in presidency. 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