Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Integrating Technology into the Classroom Essays - 1551 Words
Integrating Technology into the Classroom Technology is gradually changing our society; there is no doubt about that. If told ten years ago that students had the capabilities of having a robot for a teacher, one might laugh or suggest a new Hollywood movie. Now a days, this, along with many other advancements, can be a reality. Technology has added many benefits such as allowing students easy access to new information, offering a portable and affordable solution for textbooks and has even been known for grade improvement. Integrating technology into schools is a way to keep up with society and provide students with endless possibilities. However, many people believe that introducing children to technology is harmful. It can promote†¦show more content†¦Second, people believe that using technology in the classroom is an entire lost cause because of the expense. It is extremely risky to just hand over to a child an iPad or tablet in the hopes of keeping it for learning. Not every American school would be able to g ive each child a computer and thus would have to figure out some sort of schedule due to their limited supply (Criss 2). By doing so, it defeats the whole purpose of group instruction. In 2008, Australia figured out that just for every child and teacher to have a computer and the correct learning software, would cost a little over $100 million dollars. America is already in debt, so why add the extra expense? (Schools Fear Cost 1). Additionally, in order to adapt to iPads, e-readers, and interactive classrooms, teachers must be taught and trained in each of these programs. Some teachers simply do not have time to learn a whole new way of teaching in such short notice, especially when they have been teaching for many years (Guru 2). It isn’t at all efficient for teachers to have to relearn everything they have been taught and to expect the children to do the same. Technology is also known for its quirks. If something were to go wrong with the software or programming, the entire classroom would suffer and waste precious learning time (Criss 3). Schools would be forced to employShow MoreRelatedIntegrating Technology Into The Classroom Essay843 Words  | 4 PagesIntroduction Technology has turned the world into a global village and altered teaching and learning. It brings about change in the classroom. Integrating technology into the classroom has gained much ground in countries across the world. The concept of technology integration is now viewed as an important tool to teaching and has gained the interest of many researchers who investigated effective of assimilating technology into the curriculum (quote). According to Almekhafi Almeqdadi (2010), theRead MoreIntegrating Technology Into The Classroom1648 Words  | 7 PagesTechnology is a very essential part of people lives in the world they live in today. Everything from businesses, schools, newspapers, etc, is transferring over to technology and its use. Integrating technology inside of schools is almost mandatory. It is really helpful in preparing students for when it’s time to go out into the real world. Schools use digital technology in many different ways to aid in teaching and learni ng. Teachers often use grade books, digital portfolios, learning games TechnologyRead MoreIntegrating Technology into Classrooms1341 Words  | 5 PagesTechnology is an ever changing feature in education. In order for technology to be effective there are many things that need to coordinate together. I will discuss some the major topics of integrating technology into classrooms. I will also have some insight into how schools have changed over the years and what I see now in the classroom. In my three years of teaching I have already seen many changes to the technology that we use. I think that traditional media could be defined a couple differentRead MoreIntegrating Technology Within The Classroom928 Words  | 4 PagesLiterature Review In the last few decades, there has been a push for integrating technology within the classroom. Technologies has become commonly associated with the activities of everyday life, as a result, there has been increased pressure to include technology in classrooms, kindergarten through twelfth grade since the 1980s. (page #?Grant et al., 2015). This technology push has only increased since the last century; educators are no longer responsible for teaching the ‘traditional’ reading,Read MoreIntegrating Technology Into The Classroom Instruction1159 Words  | 5 Pages Technology Integration Integrating technology into the classroom instruction means more than just teaching basic computer skills in a computer class. Technology integration must happen throughout the curriculum to enhance the learning process. Throughout my Black History/Civil Rights lesson, I integrated technology by using PowerPoint presentations, pictures, maps, and allowing the students to use laptops for research and for extended learning. The technology that I used to enhance the lessonsRead MoreIntegrating Technology into the Classroom Essay2543 Words  | 11 Pageshave noted the importance of integrating technology in classrooms in the development of 21st century student skills, addressing first and second order barriers to change has proven to be complex, challenging, and mostly unrealized. Still it can be argued that the future success of the students in the 21st century is dependant on the (triangulation) development of personal skills, critical thinking and technological fluency. However, since simply providing technology to schools has not always hadRead More Integrating Technology in the Language Arts Classroom Essay719 Words  | 3 PagesIntegrating Technology in the Language Arts Classroom School leaders today are under extreme pressure to improve student achievement levels. Yet, in the face of tight budgets, threats to cut extra-curricular activities, and an extensive shortage of textbooks in the schools, exactly what are teachers supposed to do to ensure that â€Å"no child is really left behind.†Despite what looks like a dead end, there is hope. By integrating the usage of technology in the Language Arts classroom, studentsRead MoreIntegrating New Technology Into The Classroom - The Interactive Whiteboard1145 Words  | 5 Pagestask is by integrating new technology into the classroom. Often times, the decision on which technology to incorporate is driven by trends rather than research. 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Th ese boards allow the teacher to easily integrate technology into theirRead MoreTechnologyies Review1233 Words  | 5 PagesMary Briery EDU 225 September 20, 2015 Instructor John * * Three Technologies Review (From your list of five technologies above, you will select three to review) Web Address | Description of resource | Targeted Grade Level | Content Areas | 1. http://kids.nationalgeographic.com/ | National Geographic for kids, there are games, videos, pictures and information on nature. | 3rd-6th | Science and Social Studies | 2. https://www.brainpop.com/ | It has a variety of subjects withRead MoreIntegrating Instructional Technology Essay1046 Words  | 5 PagesIntegrating Instructional Technology Rationale The intention of the Comprehensive Classroom Technology Plan is to enhance the use of technology in the classroom to improve the education that students receive in their learning and communicating. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
How To Create Edits Free Essays
DATA†, when the edit is loaded onto the machine, he edit will appear With the title â€Å"Liverwurst†. The second method involves using Symphony which allows you convert a Stephanie simile (. Sir file) into the DATA format generated by Kinsman’s online Step Editor. We will write a custom essay sample on How To Create Edits or any similar topic only for you Order Now Stephanie is generally seen as having a better user interface and testing environment for creating edit data than Kinsman’s online editor. Symphony also allows you to convert songs that the Sonoma Step Editor does not support, including older songs from past mixes and DIR XX songs. First, you must download the latest version of Symphony at http://sites. Goose. Mom/site/dairymaid/Symphony. Zip . Extract the files into a folder on your computer. Launch the program. You may receive an error that an Internet connection is needed to use Symphony. Symphony works by simulating the Sonoma Step Editor by sending the website the step data needed to generate an edit file, but it will replace the appropriate music id so that the file generated works for the song you choose. Because of the is, an internet connection is needed. The first step is to find the simile of the song you want to convert. Typically, Stephanie songs are found in If electroplatesSongs or Files(ex.)StephanieSongs (for Vista/7). Select the . SMS file and the title of the song will be displayed in the textbook below it. Below this is a list of songs from the master id list that might possibly represent the song you chose. Sometimes the title of your . SMS file may not match what is found in the master id list. Try editing the title of the song so that the list of songs eventually shows you the song you are converting. An example is when you edit â€Å"Healing Vision(Angelic Mix)†, the master id list has it titled â€Å"Healing Vision -Angelic Mix-â€Å". Modifying the textbook to â€Å"Healing Vision†will show several songs with the name, including â€Å"Healing Vision -Angelic Mix-â€Å". Select that song as the one you are converting. Once you have selected the song, select the style of play you are converting (single, double or couple). The difficulty below it indicates which chart from the . SMS file you are converting over. This might be a â€Å"Challenge†chart or â€Å"Edit†chart. If there are multiple Edit charts in your . SMS file, only the first one can be read. On the right Of Symphony’s screen are options for the edit data produced. The region is for the region your playing in (North America or Europe). The Difficulty indicates what the chart will show up as in DIR X/XX. Remember, some songs in XX will play a Chinese version if the Challenge chart is selected, so if your edit indicates it is a Challenge chart and the song has a Chinese version, the Chinese version will play for your edit. The rating is the number of â€Å"feet†the song is rated. The comments are generic comments you can give your edit that show up in the game. The edits name is the name of your edit (limited to 8 characters). Finally, the Measure offset is used for cases where your . SMS file’s first beat isn’t on the same measure as the official data’s first beat. An example is the song Red Zone. In the official data, the first beat is found on the 5th measure, but in the . Sir file found on genius-I-banisher’s website, the first beat starts on the 6th measure. Because of this, the offset must be set to -1 , which indicates the first beat will be moved backwards one measure. For songs in which a known offset is needed, Symphony will have the offset already programmed in. As more songs are discovered to need an offset, Symphony will be updated to reflect what those offsets are. When you have set all of your options, click â€Å"Generate . DATA†. After several seconds, a Save File Dialog should display, allowing you to save your enervated . DATA file to your computer. After you have generated all of your edits, you must combine the edits into a â€Å"zip†file. Windows has a built in Zip program, but other alternatives are zip and Winner. You can include up to 30 edits in one zip file. Once you have done this, you must visit Kinsman’s library manager at http://direct. Contamination. Com/address/library_manager/ index. PH. Here you will select what region you are in and select the zip file you just created and click â€Å"Save†. A file will be returned to you titled DIR EDIT U. DATA. The . DATA generated this time MUST be named or (for Europe). This file must be saved to a folder â€Å"DIR_EDIT’ at the root level of your USB drive. Once this is done, you may use the thumb drive to play your edits on a DIR X or XX machine! Troubleshooting put the -SMS files onto my thumb drive and the game didn’t recognize them. DIR X/XX does not recognize the . SMS format, this is why the program Symphony is needed. Symphony converts the . SMS format to a format readable by DIR X/ put the -DATA files in DIR EDIT and the game did not recognize them. This is because the game does not recognized individual . DATA file. The game requires that all edits are compiled into a single . DATA file called for Europe). This is what the Library Manager found on Kinsman’s website (see above) is used for. 3. My edit seems off, how do I sync it? Edits do not contain any syncing data, only step placement and note types. If the step data seems to be a measure or more early or late, use the Measure offset feature to adjust the data so that it lines up with the game’s music. If the song’s official data is off sync, your edit data will be off sync as well. 4. My edit has blank measures, what gives? Edit data only supports 4th, 8th, 1 oh and 12th notes. This, 32nd and this are not supported. Also, because of the limited format, 12th notes can only exist inside a single quarter note range. Any quarter note section that contains this and any other note (ethos, this, etc) will be blank. 5. What about hands? The game supports hands if they are part of a freeze, but hands as a set of notes pressed on the same beat are not supported by the game. 6. Some of my freezes are being combined into a long freeze, what gives? If freeze arrows of the same direction are only separated by a 16th note, the game will combine these into a single freeze arrow. This is a bug that’s present in edit mode in all DIR versions. How to cite How To Create Edits, Papers
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Managing Political Risk Controlling Loss Finding Opportunity
Question: Explain key issues relating to political risk and discuss methods the business manager can use to manage risk in an international context.? Answer: Introduction This report is basically on the political risks that have to be faced by the global organization. It is known that every country has different political situations thus the global organization needs to solve all those political factors collectively. Thus this essay discusses about the key issues related to the political risks and how those risks can be solved by the manager of organization. Key Issues related to Political risks There are various key issues related to political risks some of those are as follows: Expropriation Expropriation is actually an issue related to political risk. In this type of issue a plant can be seized by government when any company or organization doesnt pay the taxes at time. The government can force the owner to sell his property to government at the low prices than the market (Accenture, 2012). The government can also make the force the owner to run the company in joint venture with government. The government mainly have the rights to perform any of the above activity if the company is unable to pay tax at time. License cancelation The other political risk associated is that the government has the right to cancel the license of the organization. If any organization performs any activity against the rules and regulations government can cancel the license of the organization in serious situations. When the organization loses the community support due to lack of faith among the people or providing the inappropriate services or products, the government cancel the license of the organization. The risk is also associated if the organization changes its license to function fast in elections (Rajwani, 2011). Change in Policies It is known that each country has two parties, one ruling and other opposition. On electing a new government the opposition party becomes the ruling party and ruling part becomes the opposition party. Thus the ruling party has the rights to change the government policies. These changes can include the import / export policies or business relationship foreign companies (Paul, 2007). Now the profit maximization or minimization for the organization depends on those policies made by currently ruling government. Sometimes organization may suffer a huge loss due to changed policies. Cold War Two countries may not have good relationship or may have the situation of cold war between them. These can be either neighbouring or other countries. These poor relationships with the other countries may also affect the trade relationship. This may create a great risk for the trade of the organization. Taxation It is obvious that different countries have different types of taxation rules and regulations. Each country has its own criteria about the taxations. Thus internationally an organization needs to manage and consider various types of taxes. The examples of taxation political risk can be extra taxes charged over extreme high revenues or identical excise claims by dominant or native government. The first example clearly demonstrates that if any organization earns high profit in the government then the organization needs to pay more amounts to government as tax (SIPA, 2014). Regulatory Change The various situations may occur when the government needs to change the labour standards or the environment for the business. Government may make the new laws for the rights of labour and workers. These rights for labour and workers may affect in various types to the organization (PWC, 2014). Due to some reasons if the central government provides the right of regulations to the state government then the situation of regulatory changes may occur, as a result organization may need to do various changes in the organization which leads to high expenses. Bribery In various countries the government executives force the organization to use the third party consultants or they themselves include the third party to complete various necessary formalities by the government for business in the country. In this situation the owner needs to pay a great amount of bribe to the third party. The government may also apply the unidentified border taxes to the company (Zelner, 2010). The company has to pay these taxes or bribe otherwise government executives dont do their work. Capital Control For performing any business or trade in any country, the company needs to take permission and perform various legal activities with the government. This is on the government about how much time government executives take to process the application by the company. Sometimes government executives may delay in approving the capital transfer which leads in heavy loss (How to Control Export import, 2015). Contract Default When any organization contracts with government on any type of project, if the organization fails to deliver the service or task on time the organization may have to pay a high amount of money as penalty to the government. Sometimes it may leads to high loss to the organization. Protests/ Strikes Even protests or strikes may also affect the organization. Sometimes due to protests, the key supplier or the main client of the organization may become inactive this leads to slow down or stop the work of the organization. There may be other situation also, suppose an organization needs to make an urgent delivery but due to anti-government protest the roads may be blocked by the protesters which leads to fail in urgent delivery (Ashley Bonner, 1987). Methods to solve political risks Actually the political risks can be managed in three steps. First step is identification, identification actually includes the identifying the political risk that is affecting the organization. The identification part of solving the political risk is very important as this help the organization to know very well about the risk that the organization may face. For identifying the risk the managers should set a scenario. This scenario includes checking of political condition of the country. The combined study of political situation and the current situation of the organization help in identifying the political risks associated to the organization (Chua, Wang Tan, 2003). The second step of solving the political risk is measuring. Measuring of the political risk include the identification of the risk factor associated with the identified risk. The risk factor actually measure about the chances of the risk to happen and how much loss the risk will create for organization. The condition of the organization after facing that risk is also measured in this step. This step actually enhances the clarity of capital performance estimation by the organization. The step creates the opportunity of investment of capital for the organization. The organization has clear knowledge about the capacity of its management team. Thus this step clears various things about the organization. The third step is actually management of the risk. After the identification and measurement of various criteria the management of risk should be taken place. The risk should be managed according to the strategy developed by the managers for the identified (Dahl, 1976). For any solution to make successful, all the three steps should be performed very carefully if the identification of the risk will not be done properly then there will be no any mean of other steps. If the measurement of the factors will not be done properly then the proper strategy for the risk management cant be prepare and of course the implementation of the plan should be appropriate to successfully solve the risk situation. Conclusion The above essay is the result of various studies and researches. According to the above discussion it can be clearly said there are various political factors which can affect the organization. It is very necessary for the organization to deal with political risks otherwise these may result in high loss. These may also create various legal issues against the organization. There are actually three steps of facing those risks identification, measure and manage which help in assessing the political risks. References Accenture (2012). Managing Political risks [online]. 3(2) p. 3-10 Available From: https://www.accenture.com/Microsites/asia-go-global/Documents/pdfs/page-5/Accenture-Managing-Political-Risk-Controlling-Loss-Finding-Opportunity.pdf [Accessed: 15th March 2015].Rajwani, Tazeeb(2011). How should Firms deal with political risk? [online]. Available From: https://www.som.cranfield.ac.uk/som/p16495/Think-Cranfield/2011/May-2011/How-Should-Firms-Deal-with-Political-Risk [Accessed: 15th March 2015].Paul, Joseph (2007). Impact of political risks in international marketing: the case of West Africa [online]. Available From: https://www.memoireonline.com/08/09/2610/Impact-of-political-risks-in-international-marketing-the-case-of-West-Africa.html [Accessed: 15th March 2015].SIPA (2014).Political risk Analysis Firms [online]. Available From: https://sipa.columbia.edu/sites/default/files/Political%20Risk%20Analysis%20Firms.pdf [Accessed: 15th March 2015].PWC (2014). How managing political risks impro ves the global business performance [online]. Available From: https://www.pwc.com/us/en/risk-compliance/managing-political-risk-improves-business-performance.jhtml [Accessed: 15th March 2015].Zelner, Bennet A. (2010). The hidden risks in emerging market [online]. Available From: https://hbr.org/2010/04/the-hidden-risks-in-emerging-markets [Accessed: 15th March 2015].How to export import (2015). Political risks, one of the threats in international business [online]. Available From: https://howtoexportimport.com/Political-Risks-in-International-Business-567.aspx [Accessed 15th March 2015].Ashley Bonner (1987). Political risks in international construction. Journal of Construction Engineering Management, 113(3), pp. 447-465.Chua, Wang, Tan (2003). Impacts of obstacles in East Asian cross-border construction. Journal of Construction Engineering Management, 129(2), pp. 131-141.Dahl (1976). Modern political analysis. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. : Prentice-Hall
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